Pozdrav, ja sam Jasminka! Završila sam engleski jezik i književnost i povijest umjetnosti na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Podučavala sam engleski u školama stranih jezika te radila s klijentima s engleskog govornog područja. Koncem 2019. otvorila sam obrt za obuku i prevođenje te za pružanje usluga turističkog vodiča. Godinama sam, naime, obavljala poslove koji su bili samo približno ono čime sam se zapravo željela baviti. Kako nisam uspijevala pronaći baš ono što me zanimalo na tržištu rada, odlučila sam to kreirati sama.
Obrtom sam željela obuhvatila sve ono što me zaokupljalo i za što sam imala kvalifikacije – prevođenje s engleskog na hrvatski i obratno te individualna i grupna poduka engleskog jezika za mlade i odrasle.
Kako bih na to nadovezala svoju ljubav za umjetnost i iskoristila svoje znanje i iz tog područja, završila sam tečaj za turističkog vodiča za Grad Zagreb i Zagrebačku županiju. Ukratko, radim ono što volim i nastojim to činiti na najbolji mogući način. Za dosadašnji sam rad u poduci i prevođenju uvijek primila odlične povratne ocjene.
Budući da snažno vjerujem u sintagmu da je znanje moć i da obrazovanje nikada ne prestaje, početkom 2023. završila sam opsežan Googleov tečaj za IT korisničku podršku kako bih proširila znanje i iz područja informatičkih znanosti.
Živim i radim u Zagrebu a moj je dom ujedno i moj ured, što mi omogućuje veći stupanj autonomije.
Hi, I’m Jasminka! I graduated in English Language and Literature and the History of Art from the University of Zagreb. I am a proactive and skilled professional with years of experience in teaching English as a foreign language and translating from English to Croatian and vice versa. I have worked in an international environment, which helped me improve my verbal and written skills.
In 2019 I decided to register a small proprietorship for a very simple reason. The right jobs I wanted were somehow hard to find, and I would always land in a position that didn’t quite suit me for one reason or another. And I mainly wanted to translate between English and Croatian and give private and group English lessons for young people and adults. So I decided to create those jobs myself. Therefore, I started a small business of my own in order to do what I love and know best.
Furthermore, in order to take further advantage of my university education, I decided to incorporate into the scheme my love for the history of art and art itself. Therefore, I completed the course for tour guides, and became a licensed tour guide for the City of Zagreb and Zagreb County.
I have always been highly valued by employers and colleagues alike as someone who simply gets the job done. So far, I have received praise for the jobs I have done in teaching English as a foreign language and translation engagements.
Since I am a stern believer in the saying that knowledge is power, and because I think that educating oneself is a process that never truly ends, I recently finished a course, thus becoming a certified IT Support Specialist, which, in turn, expanded my understanding of the IT sector.
I live and work in my hometown, Zagreb, and my home is also my office, which gives me a greater degree of independence.