

Iako imam dugogodišnju praksu u prevođenju, nisam prevodila onoliko često i redovito koliko bih to željela. Iako jako volim raditi i komunicirati s ljudima, prevođenje mi pruža drugačiju vrstu satisfakcije. Kada sam sama s tekstom, potpuno uronim u posao koji tada prestaje to biti i postaje čisto zadovoljstvo. Tada nalazim svoj flow.

Osim tekstova s područja povijesti umjetnosti i nekih pravnih dokumenata, do sada sam prevodila mahom tekstove koji nisu bili stručno zahtjevni, no koji su se ipak pokazali kao dostojan leksički izazov jer su bili pisani i na dijalektu. Od prijevoda koje sam radila svakako bih izdvojila titlove na engleskom za film Lavanderman – isitna ili mit? i film Pola stoljeća diska. Također sam prevodila neke tekstove za Amnesty International te razne tekstove popularne literature, kao što su stripovi i popratni uvodni tekstovi za iste, članke za izložbe, neke promotivne materijale za galeriju Dalmacijaland i slično.

Ono što bih navela kao svoju vrlinu kada je prevođenje u pitanju je vrlo detaljno i savjesno poniranje u jezične finese. Vodim se principom da prijevod prvenstveno treba odražavati duh jezika na koji se prevodi te svakako izbjegavam banalno i direktno prevođenje koje konačni prijevod lišavaju dojma izvornosti i čine ga nedostojnim izvornika i naprosto lošim. Bez obzira na kopanje po leksiku, svoje tekstove prevodim zadovoljavajućim tempom te poštujem dogovorene rokove. Stoga se nadam da će Vas ovo što sam napisala potaknuti da mi se obratite ako zatrebate moje usluge. S veseljem Vam stojim na raspolaganju.


Although I have been doing translations for years, I haven’t done them as often and as frequently as I would have really liked.  I undoubtedly enjoy communicating with people and being in their presence; still, there is something in the process of translating that gives me altogether quite different kind of satisfaction.  When I am alone with a text, I found myself completely immersed in all its nuances, and the job that I am doing stops being a task and becomes pure, unadulterated pleasure. This is when I find my flow.

I did some translations for Amnesty International, and I also translated various texts from so-called popular literature, namely graphic novels and some introductory articles for comic book editions, articles for exhibitions, promotion materials for the gallery Dalmacijaland in Jelsa, and some other texts in the same ballpark. So far, my translations have not been demanding in terms of subject matter because I haven’t handled much technical literature, apart from texts on art history and some legal documents. However, some translations were quite tricky, both lexically and structurally, since the source texts were written in dialect.  Among the translations I have done so far, I would certainly like to point out the English subtitles for the film Lavanderman – istina ili mit? (Lavanderman – Truth or Myth?), and for the film Pola stoljeća diska (Half a Century of Disco).

The one thing that I would emphasize as my strong point when translations are concerned is the fact that I never translate directly or literally; instead, I like to dig into lexical and cultural idiosyncrasies of both  source and target texts.  I adhere to the principle that it is most important to translate in accordance with the spirit of the language I am translating into. With literal, automatic translations the impression of authenticity is inevitably lost, and the text is, simply put, translated badly. Regardless of the fact that I spend time diving into the structure and vocabulary, I nevertheless respect the deadlines, as I am willing and able to work at an appropriate pace.  Therefore, I sincerely hope that all these qualities are enough to recommend me if you decide to use my translation services,  and I would be very glad to offer you my assistance.

CIJENA PO RIJEČI / PRICE PER WORD: minimalno/minimum €0,05 ; preferirano/preferred €0,06

KARTICA TEKSTA: grafička kartica 1800 znakova

PREVODITELJSKA KARTICA: 1500 znakova s proredom na preporuku Hrvatskog društva znanstvenih i tehničkih prevoditelja